
Tuesday 1 November 2016


HEY GUYS!!! How are you awesome people? I am so happy right now. Can you guys guess why? If you can't guess it, don't worry, I'll tell you why am I so happy right now. First of all, because today is Friday which means tomorrow is Saturday, which also means tomorrow is weekend, so I could stay on my bed, watch TV shows all day all night.
And second of all, something just came yesterday. What was that? So you guys probably know that I'm a fan of The Maze Runner. And, on my previous post I told you that I preorder The Fever Code. So, it just came yesterday.
One of my internet friend preorder it too but from different online store. And then, before I got my own TFC book, she texted me saying that she just got hers. And I was so worry, why I haven't got mine? So I opened and I look at my transaction and it showed "Process" which means they haven't got the book from the publisher, so I feel relieved but a bit mad cause I thought why take so long.
Anyway, I feel so happy right now cause I have it now. I got it when I was about to iron my clothes and then my nephew, Keenan, called me from downstairs that someone was looking for me. And then I knew it was my book, I ran downstairs and get my book. After I got it, I ran to my roon to open the package. I saw a beautiful black snapbag with yellow letters on it, says "WCKD is GOOD". I was looking on it for a solid 5 minutes and then opened the snapbag to see my book that I've been waiting for so long. I was admire the cover for a couple minutes. And then I opened the first page and I got my TFC bookmark. This is one of a reason why I love translated book, because I got the bookmark, so I didn't have to buy one.
I was looking through all the pages (just looking at it, not reading it), and then I remembered, I should've got free sticker, where is it? I was looking through all the pages for so many times, maybe the sticker stuck between two pages but nothing. And then I looked inside the snapbag,  there is nothing in there too. You think that I'm not looking in package that I've thrown it away to trash can? I did it too and I got nothing. So I asked my friend is she got the sticker or nah cause I didn't, and she said yes, she got. I was mad cause I didn't get the sticker, cause I preorder it because I want the sticker and the snapbag
But when I looked at the snapbag and the book, I feel fine again. I was like, screw the sticker, at least I got my book and my snapbag.
So there you guys go. There is my happy news that I could share to you guys! I haven't read the book but I will soon and I think I'm gonna make a review about it as soon as I'm done reading it. I hope you guys like this shitty post, and if you did, please give a reaction down below. Comment and also share! Thank u guys for visiting and keep visit my blog. Happy Friday guys, xoxo.

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