
Saturday 20 February 2016

We All Have That One Friend

Hey guys! How are you? How's life? How's school? I hope you guys doing well.

So I told you on my previous post that I'm in Pare-dise to learn more about English language. And I got so many new friends here. So on this post I would like to tell you about my friends. Without further do, let's get started.

1. The skinny friend
I have one or maybe three friends who is skinny but eat a lot. I saw it by myself. I saw them eat and eat and eat but they still skinny. I still wondering how can they still skinny eve they eat a lot. I asked them so many times but their answer is only "idk". The fuck.

2. A boy who act like a girl
I always have a friend like this. In elementary school, middle school even tho in high school. Not offensive. I just dont get it how can a boy act like a girl. But I'm cool with it.

3. The one who always roast someone
I have one of my friend that always roast someone. And the person who always get roasted is me. Bye!

4. The one who always take everything personally
This one is sometimes annoyed. But to be honest, sometimes I'm the one who always take everything personally. Indonesian calls it "BAPER".

5. The one who always make a joke but not funny at all
Well actually i have one but he is not my friend, he is my tutor in my English course and yeah, he always make a joke but not funny at all. But I'm a heart-kinded person, so i will laugh my ass off to make him happy.

So, that's it! Please comment one kind of friend  you have in your school. And also share this post to your friends maybe. Thanks for reading and please please keep visiting my blog. I love you all xoxo

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